Email Sample for Business Formal Language (P3)

This is the sample of sponsorship letter

Action taken to reduce risks while using the Internet [P4]

1.Use a VPN
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VPN is also known as virtual private network, this can protect your profile when you are online. With free wi-fi that we can easily found in a hotel, airport and in a coffee shop people are mostly get attracted to it and you can easily get tricked into logging in to the fake network. from there hackers can easily steal your information.
Using VPN services keeps you safe from these hackers and can make your online presence anonymous.


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When you create accounts for website that use the internet, make sure you use strong an difficult password that you know it will not make hacker easily break down your account. To reduce the risk of getting hacked you should use different password for different account and keep on changing them every twice a year. It must seem like a lot of work but with this it can make your account much more safer. 

3.Read the fine print

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Whenever you downloaded an application of services, there are some of it have a few pages of legal disclaimer. In the fine print, there might be important statement about how the application can use your information. Make sure you understand it clearly because if the privacy or the terms of policies that has been stated in the fine print are unacceptable to you, Do Not Sign up for it.

4.Change Social Media Settings

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Posting photos on Instagram or updating status on Facebook saying that you are out of town are quite trending these days but letting your personal information exposed too frequently can make harm to yourself too. So make sure that you change your privacy settings so that not everyone can see what you have posted, just restricted it and make only your friends and family could see it.

Use of internet for different types of Business Activities [P2]

Different types of Business Activities

Other than using the internet for giving Information, Online Banking and etc, there are few more uses of internet for different types of business activities, that are:-

1. Research

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  • You can use this to do research on your competitor activities. By this it doesn't mean that you need to copy everything that your competitors do for their company, you just need to follow their foots steps to improve more on what your business have missing out.

2. Communication

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  • In businesses, they also use internet to communicate with people whether they are clients or customers. It is because it is way more easier to communicate with them through Face time or just communicate with them through social media like Whats App, Telegram or just by sending emails.

3. Surveys

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  • Lastly, the use of survey are quite often in businesses. For example KFC, after we purchased any of their food either take away or dine in at their restaurant, they will ask the customer to fill in a short survey through the links that they have stated in the receipt after they pay for their food, this is because the company wants to know how well they have treated their customer and how far they improve their company. 

Email Sample for Business Formal Language (P3)

This is the sample of sponsorship letter